Abstract of a presentation conducted by
Gimhani Danushika
Department of Forestry and Environmental Science
University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka
The objectives in forest management are often achieved by
controlling the characteristics of a forest stand or set of forest stands in to
influence the growth and yield of those stands. Further according to the
objective of the land owner, it will change optimal rotation period of the
plantations rotation. Most government owned plantations are following biological
rotation to determine harvesting age of the plantation while commercial
plantations are managed with economic rotation to get maximum economic benefit.
scheduling is a traditional exercise carried out by forest land managers on
public and private lands. Public land management has characteristically
balanced timber and non-commodity forest production while private land is going
for optimal timber production. Therefore, industrial plantation establishment
has been dominated by profit maximization and cost reduction by various
strategies like economies of scale. Forest harvest practices in Sri Lanka are
conducted by two ways called thinning and final harvesting. Final harvesting
can be done in different ways such as clear cutting where all trees are felled,
while selective cutting, shelterwood cutting and seed tree cutting are also
possible. Thinning generate additional intermediate income from plantation
while improving site quality for plant grooving by reducing competition.
of a harvested site is an important managerial activity which depends on
social, cultural, economic and environmental considerations. According to
management decision, it can use the same species as before or different species
appropriate to the land. When replanting is carrying out, proper silvicultural
practices should be maintained to gain the final harvest as expected levels. e:g:
nursery establishment and maintaining, establishment of pits for planting,
spacing, block wise replanting, weeding, fertilizing, irrigation, thinning and
pruning etc. All these action should be conducted in proper way to maintain
good replanting practice in harvested land.