Friday, November 7, 2014

Green Wood Plantation: Establishment of Microcorys Plantation

Abstract of the presentation of
Sachindrika Wijesinghe

Eucalypts are 20% of major reforestation plantings for timber and fuelwood. Advantages include adaptability to a wide range of altitudes; climates and sites; high growth rate; tolerance of low fertility. Undergrowth is less (particularly in the dry zone). Reforestation with eucalypts in Sri Lanka has a long and important history. Eucalypts were among the first of three exotics introduced early this century to be raised as a forest plantation species.

Eucalyptus microcorys, a fast growing tree with clear cylindrical bole growing to 40 m, occasionally to 70 m. It is distributed in upcountry wet zone and mid country intermediate zone. Density of Unseasoned timber is 1230 kg/m3 and Seasoned timber is 1,000 kg/m3. It is Special Class timber according to the Sri Lanka State Timber Corporation classification. Sapwood is not durable without proper treatment and susceptible to powder posting beetle attack. The heartwood is very durable, highly resistant to decay and termite attack and ranges from pale to dark yellow-brown.

The textures of the timber is moderately coarse, generally with an interlocked grain relatively free of gum veins, has a distinctive lustre and greasy appearance. Relatively easy to work with hand tools due to the timber’s natural greasiness .Readily accepts paint, stain and polish.

E. microcorys timber is widely used in a variety of applications including decking, flooring, domestic structures, heavy commercial construction, sleepers, marine structures, poles, piles and bridges. Eucalyptus are also planted as windbreaks and shelter belts in certain locations particularly in the upcountry. Extraction of essential oils from leaves and beekeeping is another common practice in some areas where eucalypt plantations are raised.

Green wood plantation is in Badulla with an extent of 30 ha and it is selected based on the unique climatic and soil conditions, which are conducive for the growth of Eucalyptus microcorys. Planting objective is to obtain sawn timber mainly to cater the local market with construction timber.

Value addition can be done through proper silvicultural practices, planting superior clones of hybrids and genetically modified high yielding; disease-free, non-splitting trees which would improve timber quality and quantity within the plantation. Practicing agroforestry In order to obtain short-term income Lemongrass is inter-cropped. And promoting related industries such as beekeeping, extraction of Eucalyptus oils would generate additional income to the company and it maximizes the land use of the area.

Adding organic fertilisers, managing plantations for longer rotational periods, fire management and trench management are some of the eco-friendly management practices that add values to the plantations.

Eucalyptus microcorys plantation at Bambrakele, Sri Lanka

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