Thursday, September 17, 2009

Challenges faced by the private sector in establishing mahogany plantations

Challenges faced by Private Sector in establishing mahogany plantations in Sri Lanka
Abstract of a seminar presentation
Madhushan Lankathillake

Mahogany is one of the important exotic timber species which is used for forest plantations in Sri Lanka. Mahogany was introduced to Sri Lanka in 1880 and it was used as plantation species in 1887. Later mahogany plantations were established in low land wet zone and low land intermediate zones. Private sector involvement in establishing large scale mahogany plantations started in late 90’s. When establishing mahogany plantations private sector had to face various types of challenges.

Finding a suitable land to establish plantations is one of the main such problems. In wet zone most of the fertile lands are used for agriculture crop cultivation. Therefore available lands are infertile or abandoned lands such as abandoned lands after planting rubber for a long time period. Additional effort must be needed to improve these infertile lands. Lands with steep slops, ridges or rocky lands also cause several problems. Damage to the seedlings caused by shoot borer attack is another major problem. Effective low cost methods of controlling shoot borer attack have not been found so far.

In order to provide shade, mahogany seedlings are planted under the canopy trees but when these trees are removed mahogany seedlings may get damaged. An EIA has to be done when removing naturalized canopy treesif the area is over 5 ha in extent. These canopy trees absorb fertilizer applied to mahogany seedlings and this will cause reduction of growth of mahogany trees. In the wet zone weed growth is very fast. Mahogany seedlings have to compete with the weed growth. Therefore during first few years of planting weeding must be done properly.

Available lands also do not have proper access so that transportation of seedlings and equipments aree difficult. Most of the plantations do not have nurseries with in their plantations. Therefore they have to buy seedlings from other nurseries and this is an additional cost for the companies and seedlings may also get damaged while transporting.

Moreover, scientific research has to be done to generate improved varieties which are resistant to shoot borer attack and tolerant to light. Low cost and effective methods of controlling shoot borer attack must be found out. A proper fertilizer regime for mahogany has not been developed yet. There is a lack of previous growth data and yield tables for mahogany within private sector. Sometimes people’s interest in investment in forest plantations will be changed in the future. Loss of trust on investment and economic crisis in the country as well as in the world will be barriers on investment in present situation. Reduction of investments will be a financial restriction in establishment of forest plantations.

In order to obtain an additional income, herbal plants and spices can be planted within the sites of mahogany at early stages. An proper system must be introduced to reduce the barriers and time consuming legal procedures which have to be done for canopy removal and final harvesting. Further, scientific research must be done with the involvement of the government departments and experts in the field. Appropriate procedures have to be found out to utilize carbon sequestration potential of plantations to gain an additional income. Programs and necessary background have to be created where an international investments in forest plantation sector is allowed.


  1. Thanks James. Your comment is really encouraging.
    Upul Subasinghe

  2. would appricate if you could share some basics of growing in small scale. i bought few trees( around one feet) from agri.c dep but no one was even sure of the size of the pit
