Friday, June 4, 2010

Establishment and maintenance plan for Michelia champaca

Establishment and maintenance plan for Michelia champaca

Abstract of a seminar presentation
Based on a hypothetically formed plantation company
Upamali Perera

The management plan says what the user has to do to achieve objectives or management the forest. Plan makes policies real. It includes all activities related to plantation management. It means from land preparation to final harvest. It includes land preparation, nursery establishment, planting, weeding, watering, fertilizer, protection, pruning, thinning and finally the final harvest.

Michelia champaca has been wide spread all over tropical Asia. In Sri Lanka, it is found in wet and intermediate zones (village gardens in Kandy, Kegalle and Mirigama etc). It is a large evergreen tree with long cylindrical bole with 1.8 m in trunk diameter. The Bark is light grey, smooth about 1.27cm thick. Height is 14m-20m. Required Rainfall varies from 2250 – 5000 mm. It performs well in an altitude of 500 -1500m above msl. It is well suited for sandy loam soil and also it occurs on moist deep, well drained, good quality soil. The tree is a light demander and coppices well up to a fair size and it does not produce root sucker. It provides many products and services.

The hypothetical company created was Luxury plantations (PVT) Ltd. Vision of the company is to be a helping hand in saving our rain forests. Mission of the company is to meet future demand for timber in Sri Lanka by using sustainable forest management. The selected area to establish the plantation is Kegalle with a land of 50 ha. A barren land privately owned is cleared using machinery. Leveling is done. In the land, about 0.8 hectares of nursery area is established. Protection measures are taken like fencing the area with barbed wire. Site preparation will be done by ploughing and hoeing the land. It should have water as a perennial source to ensure adequate supply in hot weather and to reduce costs. Seeds are bought from the homegardens of Kegalle and Kandy areas. Seeds should be cleaned and dried in the shade. Nursery bed size is 1 meter wide, 15 cms high, 10 meters long or as long as the topography would allow. The nursery should be separated by a pathway of 30 cms, so that the beds can be weeded by standing on the pathway. Seed should be sown within two weeks of collection as it loses its viability very rapidly. Planting out nearly one year old seedlings at the break of the monsoon of the following year is done. Spacing is 1.8m x 1.8m. The first thinning in well-stocked plantations will normally be required in the 5th year. Trees are subject to the attacks by Urostylis punctigera, the champ bug, occurs as a pest, causing appreciable damage in pure plantations. Young plantations should be frequently inspected; Spacing with a suitable mixture, such as nicotine sulphate 1 part and soap 1.8 kg in 450 liters of water is helpful. Harvesting method is clear-cut system.

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