Friday, September 18, 2015

Role of Conservation Perspectives in Commercial Forestry

Presented by

Samurdi Dias

Commercial forestry aims obtaining maximum production of timber, fuel wood and other forest products as a business. Even though it aims on maximum benefits, conservation is also a major requirement. Conservation is the “practice of planning and maintaining forest areas for the benefit and sustainability of future generations”. It is important because forests provide versatile ecosystem services such as hold water, prevent erosion, ensure quality of surface and groundwater, High carbon reserve, clean the air, protection from storm damages, as a buffer against desertification, produce food, offer recreational possibilities, improve mental well-being and protects biodiversity. Also conservation is important to preserve natural beauty, increase recreational value, provide additional income sources, increase total economic value, for social benefits, to get forest certificates.

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is one of the major forest certification bodyin the world. FSC certification ensures that products come from well managed forests that provide environmental, social and economic benefits. It provides benefits such as access to new markets and there are 10 FSC principles; Compliance with laws and FSC Principles, Tenure and use rights, Indigenous peoples’ rights, Community relations and worker's rights, Benefits from the forest, Environmental impact, Management, Monitoring and assessment, Maintenance of high conservation value, Plantation. Principle 3, 5, 6, 9 are related to conservation. Principle 9 tlaks about high conservation value forests, which can be defined as the forests possesses one or more of the following attributes. forest areas containing globally, regionally or nationally significant concentrations of biodiversity values (e.g. endemism, endangered species) and / or large landscape-level forests, forest areas that contain rare, threatened or endangered ecosystems, forest areas that provide basic services of nature in critical situations (watershed protection, erosion control), forest areas fundamental to meeting basic needs of local communities and/or critical to local communities' traditional cultural identity.

Conservation can be done by sustainable forest management. Seven thematic areas of sustainable forest management are extent of forest resources, biological diversity, forest health and vitality, productive functions and forest resources, protective functions of forest resources, socio-economic functions and legal, policy and institutional framework. 

Other practices are less-destructive methods of logging such as make a forest inventory and map prior to logging, use of less impact machinery in logging, reduce machine operating time, train loggers in proper logging techniques, exclude clear cutting. Establishing stream buffer zones and watershed protection areas, specially design roads for transport, use fertilizer and pesticides in less harmful manner, protect fire prone areas, combined plantations, protect wildlife and nature based tourism.

Conservation practices use in Sri Lanka; in up country of Sri Lanka there is no complete removal of vegetative cover in site preparation, arrange roads along contours, avoid uprooting plant species which help to prevent soil erosion (Eg: Mana), Pine and Eucalyptus tree felling is prohibited. In intermediate zone no tree felling in some of the plantations due to water quality issues.

Another method is nature based tourism this is currently practiced in government Khaya plantation in Sigiriya. Part of the plantation is giving as camping site for tourists. The land was leased to private owner under 30 year agreement and the owner pays rental for forest department. This has high demand from tourists due to high recreation value.

Practical issues of conservation in commercial forestry are high demand for timber, illicit felling, lacks of knowledge about conservation and its importance and less concern on conservation.

Recommendations to improve conservation are law implementation, offer income tax benefits to owners of plantations, offer insurance scheme for plantations, Carbon trading, introduce value addition methodology for plantations, develop ecotourism activities in plantations located in areas like Nuwara Eliya, Knuckles, Kanneliya as there is high aesthetic value and urge private forest plantations to do conservation activities.

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